
To reach Government Polytechnic in Kirthal Chhaprauli, Baghpat, located in Village Kirthal, Block Chhaprauli, Tehsil Baraut, District Baghpat, you can consider the following directions:
  1. By Road: Kirthal Chhaprauli in Baghpat can be reached by road via various transportation modes such as buses, taxis, or private vehicles. You can use GPS navigation or maps to guide you to the village. Once you reach Kirthal Chhaprauli, inquire locally for directions to Government Polytechnic.
  2. By Train: The nearest railway station to Kirthal Chhaprauli is Baraut Railway Station, located in Baraut town. From Baraut Railway Station, you can hire a taxi or take a local bus to reach Kirthal Chhaprauli.
    Trains from nearby city:  Delhi to Baraut trains, Shamli to Baraut trains.
  3. By Air: The nearest airport to Kirthal Chhaprauli is Indira Gandhi International Airport in Delhi, located approximately 70 kilometers away. From Delhi Airport, you can hire a taxi or use other local transportation options to reach Kirthal Chhaprauli. Once in Baghpat, follow the directions mentioned above to reach Government Polytechnic.
  4. Local Transportation: Once you reach Kirthal Chhaprauli, you can use local transportation options such as auto-rickshaws, cycle rickshaws, or taxis to reach Government Polytechnic. Ask for directions from locals or use GPS navigation for assistance.
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